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Websites And Collaborations



In my journey of art, my beliefs have branched from aesthetics that are pleasing to the eye to deeper and more meaningful concepts such as hate crimes. The medium that I primarily produce would be photography and collages. My projects have revolved around giving a spotlight to Asian Hate Crimes that are happening around the world, primarily in the United States. It started from my personal experience of hate crimes against my family members. Personally having the phrases “go back to your country” and “f**k you chink,” triggered a deep inner anger that I still feel up to this day when I talk about this topic. To have your family members verbally harassed for working so hard to come to this country did not stick right with me. Seeing countless crimes against my community made me think, what if that was my mother or grandmother? The few amount of coverage of the countless attacks against Asians mind-boggled me. Compared to other people of color; I wanted to have the same spotlight for every ethnicity, whether it was White, Brown, Black, or Yellow. Everyone should be able to be equally exposed to these types of news when one community is having a problem. The mainstream media played off the attacks against Asian Americans as a “hype” trend, and it enraged me. This made me passionate about allowing myself coming from a Vietnamese and Chinese American family to shed light on the public. I want to share information from personal experiences and change the way the world looks at Asian Americans as easy targets and to protect one another regardless of skin color. I hope to be a voice to show people within my community to stand up for themselves like other communities, and that we should not look the other way when there are problems we can resolve and or help. This was a collaboration with NewArtCity creating art in a virtual environment during the pandemic.


During my time at San Jose State University, I was introduced to HTML and CSS to produce my first ever website on GitHub. I display my old works that I had self-taught myself to create during the time when I was in highschool. This website was the beginning of my design and interest in website development!




For this website, I helped with the backend of the website with design options and also provided feedback on the content within the website. I implemented lines of code and knowledge from HTML and CSS. I was allowed to produce the stock photos also within the advertisements and the product listings. It allows me to have hands-on working experience to see how a company truly works with web development and designing the layouts. 

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